Saturday, October 15, 2016

Columbus got beat to America by 11,000 years!

          "In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue" (to soon discover America) is the rhyme taught to students in elementary school, but is that really true? To begin with, No.
          The answer to who discovered America is very simple, the Natives, but most people think of who was the first European to discover America, and still Columbus wouldn't be the first.
           Indigenous People's Day is a movement that multiple states celebrate on the second Monday in October, but there is controversy because Christopher Columbus Day is a federal holiday on the same date. Indigenous people are natives whom live with nature, have a small population, and uphold various traditions. America would support Native Americans for Indigenous People's Day specifically. The reasons behind this change is because the movement wants to proclaim how the Natives rescued and "nourished him(Columbus) to health" (Chappell.43). They also want to change the myth of history that Columbus discovered America first because they discovered it first. Evidence is first found around 12,000 years ago when Natives crossed a land bridge from Siberia to North America.
          Although I do think Native Americans need to be recognized, but I also believe that both Indigenous People and Christopher Columbus should be celebrated in the form of a holiday. The Natives beat Columbus by around 11,000 years in discovering America, but Columbus Day does not only stand for discovering America, but it also celebrates Italian-American Heritage; therefore, I say that there should be no reason why anyone can't celebrate their heritage ;furthermore, freedom to celebrate ethnicity is why I support Indigenous People's Day. The holiday should represent the minority of Native Americans and should bring an overall appreciation to the diversity in America.

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