Tuesday, December 20, 2016

So we were told to be "creative"

As our topic, Ms. Nagi instructed everyone in 11 AP to "be creative" on our next blog post. Today I wanna talk about creativity, what it means and how I see it in Huck Finn.

The dictionary definition of creativity is involving any new idea.

Image result for creativity

This photo is one of the first things I found when I google image searched "creativity." This photo, like every other picture involves colors. Colors aren't something that is new, but colors are thought of as exciting. Using different colors allows there to be more difference. Also, these colors contrast a simple black and white suit, which is probably work clothing. When people think about the opposite of creativity you think of boring stuff where everything is the same. In the picture specifically we think of, work, cubicles, grayness, and most of all conformity. What does this have to do with anything we're learning you ask? Well, I am glad you said that because I'm not sure. Just kidding.

Image result for conformity

In the novel Huckleberry Finn, Huck plays a very interesting role as a character. He is seen throughout the novel struggling with an internal conflict concerning slavery. The two decisions Huck struggles with are giving up Jim but suffering the guilt of betraying a friend who trusts him, or keeping Jim but suffering the consequences of helping a slave runaway. Around Ch 31, Huck chooses his decision when he states "All right then, I'll go to hell." This choice is clearly helping Jim escape to freedom because Southern society has taught Huck to view helping runaway slaves as a terrible crime that can deem anyone worthy of going to hell.

Image result for conformity

Huck in making this decision is not only courageous, but he is also creative. Going back to the denotation of creativity, freeing slaves wasn't a new idea at the time obviously because of abolitionists and all that stuff, but it may be if you view it from a different angle. Remember conformity and all that being the opposite of creativity? Well that is what the Southern society imposes on everyone in the South. When Huck encounters some problems where people ask if he is helping a slave escape, Huck knows full well what will happen if he honest, so at some points he is forced to act like he is a conformist to succeed in being different. Since Huck is going against a conformist society, and thinking for himself, in a sense, he is being creative.

Related image

Anyway, I think that the we can all apply this instance of knowledge within Huckleberry Finn in our lives by thinking for ourselves. Being different and original is the only way things will change, and is the only way we can improve the world, so don't be afraid to take a risk.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

America's True Enemy

Today, I want to discuss censorship in literature.


          Censorship in general is prohibiting ones freedom of speech in order to impose their own values. This includes stifling vocal, written, and physical actions of a person. Every place with literature that oppose other people's ideals experience some sort of censorship. The result of censorship is where other people change the author's works to impose their ideals on the author's work, which usually causes argument and discord. Content that includes, violence, sex, conflicting ideas, and inappropriate language. This is shown throughout various countries with repressive governments including, Russia, Iran, Nazi Germany, Egypt, and Cuba. They exercise censorship through extreme methods such as burning books. Overall, the cause of censorship is summed up by the philosopher, Sir Francis Bacon's quote, "Knowledge is power", which means people have a fear of knowledge.
Repressive government (Taliban) burns books

          Good thing we have the first amendment, which allows freedom of speech in any form right? Well, not exactly, America experiences these problems too, but in different ways. A book that has been challenged in the past is Huckleberry Finn. Critics claim that the use of the N-word is vulgar and takes from the work as a whole. The updated or more friendly version of the book replace the N-word with the word slave. The change of Twain's masterpiece not only violates his work, but it also doesn't capture the region in the specific time. At the time, African Americans were addressed by that term. By saying this I am not saying it was right to do this, but it was what happened in history. Neglecting to look at past events makes the U.S bound to repeat the same mistakes, and creates a false sense of reality. The key in all of this is to allow to not neglect past events, but to accept them and move forward.

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American censorship